Waste Free Mama

My journey to waste free living


Hey there, and welcome to waste free mama!

I’m Mollie, and I would say that i am a completely normal person. I’m no eco- warrior, just your average plain jane.

However, throughout my life I've developed an increasing feeling of guilt about the amount of damage we are doing to our planet. Through my study of zoology and love of documentaries I've become more aware of how damaging agriculture, animal rearing and use of plastics, among other things, can be to our earth. And let me get this straight, i’m not yet an expert on sustainability or eco friendly living!

In this blog, i’d love to share my attempts to become zero waste and eco friendly, one step at a time. From plain jane to eco warrior? I hope so!

I’m hoping to research and find simple, cost effective ways to change daily habits and products, to help minimise the amount of waste my family produces. Id also like to become more aware of what we are purchasing, what its made from and where its sourced. Moving towards a more minimalist, earth friendly existence.

I’ve often heard people say that one person alone will make no difference to the health and longevity of our planet. So what’s the point? Why bother?

Well, maybe living a zero waste, eco friendly life won’t make much difference on the large scale, but maybe it will encourage more people to make small change in their life, having a bigger effect overall.

And if not?

I’ll feel a lot happier just knowing that i’ve made some changes to help reduce the impact im making throughout my lifetime. And had some fun writing about it in the meantime!

Better late than never right?

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