Waste Free Mama

My journey to waste free living

My First Step

I made my first step towards eco friendly living three years ago, when i became vegetarian. This followed a university module on animal welfare, specifically that of animals farmed for meat and dairy. I remember coming out of some of the lectures with a heavy heart, filled with guilt and shame that I’d made no attempt to understand where my food was coming from and how these animals were treated. Instead I opted for the cheapest meat to satisfy my student budget.

Following this module I decided to do more research into the environmental impacts of rearing meat.

I found that the production of grain alone, in order to feed these animals, has had a significant contribution to deforestation, species extinction and habitat loss.

Alongside this, it apparently takes three times the amount of water to feed someone who consumes meat and animal products, compared to feeding a vegan. This means that becoming vegan can be one of the biggest ways to reduce the environmental impact you make on the earth.

There are other benefits to a meat free diet, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. I also find that our weekly shopping costs have decreased!

To further reduce the impact i am having on the planet, i am aiming to have one vegan day per week. I hope that overtime ill be able to convert to veganism full time!

I will include some super easy and cheap vegan and vegetarian recipes I love, to maybe encourage you to try some meat free or vegan days or meals!

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